5 Nerve-Healing Food for Peripheral Neuropathy


Anti-inflammatory diets utilize nerve-healing foods to help lessen the burden on nerves and assist in the repair process. While many videos and blogs cover the subject, some lesser-known foods are vital to nerve repair.

Incorporating these powerhouse foods boosts your body for nerve repair, regeneration, and protection. 

Nerve-Healing Food #1: Maitake Mushrooms

The culinary world prizes maitake mushrooms for their savory flavor and meaty texture. Often reported as tasting like pasta, these mushrooms are a versatile ingredient for various dishes–a must-have for nerve-healing food supplies. 

With B vitamins packed into these tiny packages, maitake mushrooms become essential for nerve function, energy metabolism, and nerve cell regeneration. 

Furthermore, these mushrooms contain ergocalciferol, also known as vitamin D2. While D3 often remains in the spotlight, vitamin D2 plays an essential role in nerve health.

Research shows that vitamin D2 helps construct thicker and healthier nerves by increasing the diameter of the nerve axon. Beyond the nerve axon, ergocalciferol is a neuroprotector, preventing nerve damage. Maitake mushrooms also promote nerve regeneration and speed up nerve repair. 

In addition to being a nerve-healing food, additional studies revealed that maitake mushrooms improve insulin sensitivity in peripheral nerves and all other cells. 

We highly recommend adding these culinary delights to sauteed vegetables, omelets, rice, and other dishes. You can fry them at a low to medium heat while maintaining the maximum nutrient benefits. 

Nerve-Healing Food #2: Algae and Micro-Algae

Algae and microalgae are more nerve-healing foods. These nerve-support foods include seaweeds like Arami, Wakami, Nori, Dulse, Irish Moss, Chlorella, and Spirulina. 

Microalgae and algae are abundant in protein, with spirulina containing up to 60% protein by weight. Furthermore, the protein found in these algae also includes all essential amino acids, which are easily absorbed into the body. Protein is critical for nerve health, including the structure and function of nerve cells and the formation of synapses–crucial for nerve signal transmission.

These green powerhouses also contain an abundance of omega-3 fatty acids, such as EPA and DHA. Omega-3 fatty acids provide critical support to the structure of nerve cell membranes, lessen inflammation, and promote nerve signal transmission. 

Studies showed DHA improves blood flow to nerves, allowing better oxygen and nutrient delivery, while EPA slows rate of nerve cell death. 

Other vitamins included in microalgae and algae include:

  • Vitamin A
  • Thiamine (B1)
  • Riboflavin
  • Folate (B9)
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Phosphorus
  • Zinc
  • Copper

These nutrients support nerve cell metabolism and regeneration and protect nerves from oxidative stress. 

Spirulina and chlorella contain bioactive compounds such as phycocyanins, chlorophyll, and carotenoids, further protecting nerve cells from oxidative damage, reducing inflammation, and supporting nerve cell survival and regeneration.

Sea vegetables can be difficult to incorporate into diets, but there are many simple ways to add them to everyday meals. Grab some microgreens, either dehydrated or rehydrated, and add them to soups, stews, chili, or pots of rice. They also work well in stir-fries and salads. Powdered seaweed, like kelp or dulse flakes, can be sprinkled over cooked foods or added to smoothies. 

If cooking is out of the question, we recommend adding chlorella and spirulina to your diet through capsules.

Nerve-Healing Food #3: Walnuts

Walnuts offer many nerve health benefits due to their rich nutrient profile. These nutrients include omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and various vitamins. 

Walnuts hold the title as one of the best plant-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids, specifically alpha-linolenic acid, which are crucial for nerve health. 

They contribute to the structure and function of cell membranes, help maintain the integrity of the myelin sheath, promote nerve signal transmissions, and support the repair and regeneration of damaged nerves. 

Furthermore, the antioxidants, polyphenols, and vitamin E protect nerve cells from oxidative stress from free radicals. These protective measures reduce inflammation, which reduces nerve damage and degeneration.

Further studies show the compounds within walnuts, such as ellagic acid and quercetin, support nerve survival, reduce inflammation in the entire nervous system, and promote nerve regeneration.

While other nuts, such as pecans, provide various health benefits, walnuts are best for their omega-3s and antioxidants. 

Nerve-Health Food #4: Ginger and Tumeric

While ginger and tumeric are two separate types of food, they are close cousins and share many complementary traits and health benefits.

The curcumin in turmeric fast-tracks nerve healing. According to leading research, curcumin promotes nerve regeneration while providing an analgesic to reduce pain

Ginger contains the active compound Gingerol, which contains salicylates. The body transforms the compound into salicylic acid, which eases nerve pain by preventing prostaglandins.

To incorporate these delicious nerve boosters, grate and place them in soups or stir-fry dishes. You can also add ginger or turmeric to teas, salads, salad dressings, sauces, or smoothies. 

One traditional Ayurvedic beverage, golden Milk, contains turmeric, milk, and spices like ginger, cinnamon, and black pepper. 

Nerve-Healing Food #5: Oily Fish

Oily fish like salmon, sardines, anchovies, herring, and sprats have low mercury levels and various nerve-healing properties. 

All these fish, including Sprat, contain omega-3 fatty acids. Research from Queen Mary, University of London, shows omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil protect nerves from injury and help brain neurons and peripheral nerves regenerate.

While the others are commonly known for their health benefits, Sprats are small, oily fish from the herring family. Commonly found in the North Atlantic, Baltic, and Mediterranean, they resemble sardines but are smaller with a mild, slightly sweet flavor. 

Sprats are very low in mercury and a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are excellent for nerves.

However, the true nutrients in Sprats lie in calcium and magnesium. Calcium affects nerve signal transmissions, muscle contraction, and neurotransmitter release. Magnesium supports nerve function, regulates neurotransmitter activity, and promotes muscle relaxation.

Furthermore, Sprats provide excellent amounts of vitamin B12, antioxidants, and other minerals, like selenium and vitamin E.

You can grill or fry these delicious, nerve-healthy foods. Some can be eaten directly from the can, while others can be added to salads or served as an appetizer in soups or stews. 

From mushrooms to fish, empower yourself with the knowledge of some of the best nerve-healing foods. Every bite brings you closer to a healthier, happier nervous system.

Struggling with Neuropathy?

Dr. Coppola and Dr. Monteiro’s dedication to combating neuropathy is deeply personal, stemming from Dr. Monteiro’s experience with her mother’s severe chemo-induced neuropathy. This personal journey fueled their commitment to develop a systematic, drug-free approach to reversing neuropathy.

They founded the San Antonio Neuropathy Center, where they’ve successfully treated over 18,000 patients over the past two decades. Their acclaimed book, “Defeat Neuropathy Now in Spite of Your Doctor,” along with their neuropathy product line, stands as a testament to their expertise and innovative solutions.

Recognized as leading neuropathy specialists in America, Dr. Coppola and Dr. Monteiro offer a beacon of hope for those diagnosed with this challenging condition. If you or a loved one is seeking relief from neuropathy, reach out to us at 844 400-0101 or email us through our contact page – Click here.

Your path to healing can start today.

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