Breaking News: Dangers Of Fluoride Finally Revealed

The Toxic Truth About FLUORIDE


The History Of Fluoride

Fluoride is a man-made element derived from Fluorine. It was the key chemical in the atomic bomb production, according to the declassified documents of the Manhattan Project (U.S. military group that built the atomic bomb). Millions of tons of fluoride were essential for the manufacture of bomb-grade uranium and plutonium for nuclear weapons throughout the Cold War.

One of the most toxic chemicals known, fluoride rapidly emerged as the leading chemical health hazard of the U.S atomic bomb program–both for workers and for nearby communities, as revealed by these documents.

Much of the original proof that fluoride is safe for humans in low doses was generated by A-bomb program scientists, who had been secretly ordered to provide“evidence useful in litigation” against defense contractors for fluoride injury to citizens. The documents show the first lawsuits against the U.S. A-bomb program were not over radiation, but over fluoride damage.

How Safe is Water Fluoridation?

Fluoride has repeatedly been identified as one of the most toxic substances known to man, yet we can find it in our toothpastes, bottled water, infant formulas, and even some vitamin supplements.

The practice of water fluoridation has been rejected or banned in several countries including: China, Austria, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Hungary, and Japan. Nearly all of Europe’s water supply is fluoride-free. Meanwhile, here in the U.S., fluoride compounds are still purposefully added to water in many areas (process known as fluoridation), not to mention being used in most brands of toothpaste. However, fluoride has never been proven to significantly aid in protecting teeth from the development of cavities.

In 2002, a research study revealed the following: “No statistically significant differences were found in the decay rates of permanent teeth or the percentages of decay-free children in the fluoridated, non-fluoridated, and partially fluoridated areas.”

Fluorides are more toxic than lead and only slightly less poisonous than arsenic… and these toxins can enter your body from brushing your teeth or rinsing with many popular dental care products. In fact, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) typically label sodium fluoride as “…toxic by ingestion, inhalation and skin contact”. The data sheet further reports that Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), including safety glasses and gloves, should always be used when working with fluoride.

Dangers of Fluoride

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) defines fluoride as a drug, because unlike the minerals we need (e.g. calcium, magnesium), humans have no physiological requirement for fluoride. Research has shown that Fluoride disrupts our normal hormone production, is a neurotoxin (poisonous to nerves), and causes bone-weakening in the body.

Sodium fluoride, long known as an effective roach poison, is added to tablets and drops (i.e., “fluoride supplements”) for the purpose of preventing tooth decay. But because of fluoride’s toxicity, you cannot purchase fluoride “supplements” over-the-counter; they can only be dispensed by prescription under the supervision of a doctor. In short, sodium fluoride is not a nutritional supplement; it is a prescription drug, and a dangerous one.

FDA States It Has Never Approved Fluoride As Either Safe Or Effective.

Although fluoride drugs have been prescribed for over 50 years, the FDA recently announced that marketing fluoride drops and tablets for cavity prevention violates federal law, because the FDA has NEVER approved these products as either safe or effective. FDA made this stunning declaration in a Warning Letter, in which the Agency called on a manufacturer to immediately cease selling fluoride drops and tablets.

Water Fluoridation Linked to Higher Prevalence of ADHD

Hyperactive children due to fluoride

A new study links water fluoridation to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the United States. The study, entitled: “Exposure to fluoridated water and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder prevalence among children and adolescents in the United States: an ecological association,” was published in the journal Environmental Health in February 2015.

According to the authors: “State prevalence of artificial water fluoridation in 1992 significantly and positively predicted state prevalence of ADHD in 2003, 2007 and 2011.”

Elevated Hypothyroidism Rates Linked to Fluoride

Also, in February 2015, a major fluoridation study was published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

British scientists reported that fluoridated water in Britain is associated with elevated rates of hypothyroidism:

“We found that higher levels of fluoride in drinking water provide a useful contribution for predicting prevalence of hypothyroidism. We found that practices located in the West Midlands (a wholly fluoridated area) are nearly twice as likely to report high hypothyroidism prevalence in comparison to Greater Manchester (non-fluoridated area).” (Peckham 2015).”

Several studies from China, India, and Russia have found alterations in thyroid hormones, including reduced T3 and increased TSH, in populations exposed to elevated levels of fluoride in the workplace or in the water.

Fluoride, Thyroid, & Dogs

An investigation by the Environmental Working Group found that commercial dog food contains very high levels of fluoride. Since dogs have been found to suffer a high incidence of hypothyroidism, the relationship between fluoride contamination and thyroid disease in dogs deserves further attention, particularly since it was fluoride’s production of goiter in dogs that first prompted the idea that fluoride could be an anti-thyroid agent.

New IQ Study Links Fluoride to Neurotoxicity

IQ inhibited by fluoride

There are over 100 animal experiments linking fluoride consumption to a decrease in IQ. As a matter of fact, 31 out of 33 animal experiments investigating animal behavior showed learning and memory problems associated with fluoride consumption, and 43 out of 50 human studies have shown that even modest levels of fluoride negatively impact IQ.

Twenty-six of these studies were recently reviewed by a team from Harvard School of Public Health. They discovered that participants had a decrease in IQ (an average drop of 7 points) with a fluoride level in the water of 3.52 ppm, which is lower than the current safe drinking standard in the US for fluoride of 4.0ppm.

Fluoride And Osteoporosis

Dr. Yiamouyiannis (former science director of the National Health Federation) cited a 1990 study of 541,000 cases of osteoporosis showing a connection between hip fractures in women over 65 and fluoride levels.

Since the 1930’s, Fluoride has been known to disrupt the physiological bone-building process. Dr. Alesen, who was the president of the California Medical Association, cites dozens of international scientific studies proving that fluoride has caused thousands of cases of osteoporosis, skeletal thinning, fractures, “rubber bones,” anemia, and rickets.

Fluoride Causes Disease

Austrian researchers proved in the 1970s that as little as 1 ppm fluoride concentration can disrupt DNA repair enzymes by 50%. When DNA can’t repair damaged cells, we get old fast and run an increased risk of cellular mutations leading to cancer.

Fluoride prematurely ages the body, mainly by distortion of enzyme shape. Again, when enzymes get twisted out of shape, they can’t do their jobs. This results in collagen breakdown, eczema, tissue damage, skin wrinkling, genetic damage, and immune suppression. Fluoride consumption has been linked with the following disorders:

  • Birth Defects
  • ADHD
  • Impaired Brain Development
  • Osteoarthritis / Osteoporosis
  • Bone & Uterine Cancer
  • Thyroid Disease
  • Perinatal Death
  • Immune System Suppression
  • Gastrointestinal Disorders
  • Essential enzyme inhibition
  • Lowered IQ (especially in young children)
  • Skeletal Fluorosis (leading to brittle teeth and bones)


To avoid fluoride exposure from your home water supply it’s imperative to invest in a good water filtration system. Brita and Pur pitchers do not filter out fluoride. There are many systems that are affordable that will. I personally use the AquaSana system for my drinking water and whole house filtration. Remember, your skin is the largest organ of your body. When you shower, your pores open and act like a sponge, taking in chemicals in your water, such as chloride and fluoride. Both, by the way, are carcinogenic (cancer causing).

If your budget doesn’t allow for a whole house water filtration system, don’t worry. You can pick up an inexpensive shower filter ($40-$100). It simply screws on to your shower head and does a good job at filtering out chlorine, fluorine and other chemicals. Some of the better ones on the market are Aquasana shower filtered head, Propur Promax, Berkey, Aquabliss and VivaSpring filtered shower head.

Ditch Fluoride Toothpaste

Make sure you switch your brand of toothpaste to one that doesn’t contain fluoride. I use Herbal Choice Mari Natural Tooth Gel ( Another good brand is Dr. Brite Whitening Mineral Toothpaste.

Be proactive. Contact your local congressman and let them know you don’t want fluoride in your water!


This blog has been provided by Dr. John Coppola, D.C. and Dr. Valerie Monteiro, D.C. Dr. Coppola and Dr. Monteiro are the founders of the San Antonio Neuropathy Center, and Precision Sport & Spine. They are the leading experts in the field of neuropathy and specifically drug free nerve repair. They are the authors of the critically acclaimed book “Defeat Neuropathy Now …. In Spite of Your Doctor. The doctors have over 25 years of clinical experience.

If you would like to reach the doctors regarding a specific health problem, you may email them at [email protected].

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