High Heels A Culprit In Back Pain


Ladies, ever wonder why you suffer from regular bouts of lower back pain? Achy hips? How about crazy tight leg muscles? Don’t blame it on your cycling class, or too many squats or, the trainer you only see once or twice a week. Look down. Are you wearing high heels? Bingo! You’ve heard high heels are bad for you. But it’s not just because they cause all kinds of pain and trauma to your feet. High heels are also messing up your physical fitness. They throw you out of proper postural alignment causing your joints and spine to take on more wear and tear, which means aches and pains.

The Evils of High Heels.

First, let’s talk about the most obvious. They make your feet hurt! Blisters, calluses and swelling are par for the course. And pointy toes, are you kidding me? I’m sure these shoes were invented by someone who had a strong dislike for women.

Secondly, they can lead to foot injuries like plantar fasciitis (usually from a bone spur that makes your heels hurt), hammertoes, bunions, and neuromas. All of which, are not pretty to look at either.

Then there’s the domino effect. Not only do high heels make your feet hurt, but problems with the feet can travel up the leg and cause injuries in the back, knees and hips. Your knees take on extra pressure as a result of all of your body weight being pushed forward onto the balls of the feet. Walking in this position makes your hip flexors and calf muscles short and tight. And it doesn’t stop there.

Back problems are incredibly common in women who don’t give up their high heels.

Here’s why:

Postural changes: The S-curve of your spine has cushiony discs in between the vertebrae that act as a shock absorbers to protect them from stress. Like when you’re bending or jumping. Wearing heels causes the lower back to arch more than normal because the body weight is pushed forward. To compensate, the upper body has to lean back to maintain balance. This puts extra stress on the discs. Spending hours with your body in funky alignment can lead to muscle spasms and back pain. Tight hamstring muscles, which attach to back of the pelvis and lower back, can also make your back ache.

Anatomical changes: Wearing high heels on a daily, or very regular basis, over years, can actually cause anatomical changes to your body. In addition to the extra strain on your back and knees, the calf muscles can also shorten and the tendons can get tighter and thicker.

And it can get even nastier if you get one of these spine injuries:

High Heels & Back Pain San antonioSpondylolisthesis: it’s a mouthful, but is a common injury that can happen in the lower back from too much hyperextension (arching the back). It’s when one vertebra slips forward over another.

Foraminal stenosis: I have this one congenitally and it sucks. This is a spine and nerve issue that occurs when anatomical abnormalities reduce the spaces the nerves travel through as they exit the spinal column. The spaces are called foramina, and when they get blocked, the nerves get squeezed. The pain can radiate through the buttocks and down the legs. Symptoms are shooting pains, numbness, tingling, muscle weakness, spasms and, or cramping.

Sciatica: The sciatic nerve is the longest one in the body. It runs from the bottom of the lumbar spine all the ways down the legs. When the sciatic nerve gets compressed it causes radiating pain, tingling, numbness and muscle weakness down the leg and can The pain can travel all the way to the bottom of the foot.

Combat Back Pain

It’s time to return to athleisure weare. Comfy clothes and flat shoes can be very chic. Have you seen the boards on Pinterest? Thanks to this hopefully permanent fashion style, my jeans and heels spend more time in my closet than on my body. Leggings and cute kicks are my go to’s. Night out? No prob. I reach for my sleek workout leggings, a ruched top or off the shoulder top with some high heel sneaks (they’re wedges so not nearly as bad for you). I also discovered some cute memory foam sneakers, which I put to the test at 2 huge conventions where I was walking and standing for hours on end. The comfy soles made of memory foam – kept my feet happy all day! Podiatrist say wearing shoes designed more for comfort can help you live more pain-free. Also, make sure to check out arch supports in shoes. If the shoe doesn’t have any arch support, buy ones that can be inserted into your shoe.

Have to wear formal work attitre? Just stay clear of heels over 2 inches high.

Even after reading this, you may still not be willing to give up high heels for good. Me either. I still get glammed up once in a while.

Here are some tips for when you must:

  • Wear them for as little time as possible.
  • Try to opt for heels around 2” high
  • Steer clear of pointy toes.
  • Buy shoes with leather insoles to so your foot doesn’t slide.
  • Buy arch inserts or use orthotics to support your arches.
  • Vary your footwear so you’re not wearing high heels every day.
  • Gradual or lower slopes are a little better, go for platforms or wedges instead of stilettos
  • Thicker heels are better than spiky heels
  • Stretch and strengthen the overworked muscles.

Here’s How:

  1. Stretch your leg muscles and hip flexors before and after wearing heels. For the calves, stand on a step and let one heel hang down until you feel a stretch. Try this convenient device, the foot rocker by Vive. It stretches the calf and the sole of the foot relieving pain from plantar fasciitis.
  2. Massage and stretch the muscles in the soles of your feet. Roll your foot on a golf ball before and after wearing heels and, get regular foot massages.
  3. Strengthen and increase the range of motion in your ankles and feet. Put a rag on the floor. Using your foot, write the letters of the alphabet. Also put a bunch of marbles on the floor. Pick one or a few of them up using just your foot. Put them down about 6 inches away without lifting your foot off the floor. Try that 10 times. If you don’t have marbles, you can do it with a hand towel.

So next time you’re shopping for shoes, think about your foot fitness first and save your back the pain and agony. Look for fashion that keeps you closer to the ground and that will hopefully keep you farther away from the doctor.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.huffingtonpost.com

High Heels Affect Your Body

As great and sexy as those 4 inch high heels may look, they come at a huge price. No-I don’t me shoe price. Studies have shown that these towering heels do damage over time to your back, hips, knees ankles and of course your feet.

Study upon study continue to re-inforce the fact that high heels lead to middle and lower back pain, hip pain and knee pain. As long as women continue to wear high heels…podiatrists and chiropractors will always have plenty of patients.

Dr. John Coppola, D.C. and Dr. Valerie Monteiro, D.C.

This blog has been provided by Dr. John Coppola, D.C. and Dr. Valerie Monteiro, D.C. Dr. Coppola and Dr. Monteiro are the founders of the San Antonio Neuropathy Center, and Precision Sport & Spine. They are the leading experts in the field of neuropathy and specifically drug free nerve repair. They are the authors of the critically acclaimed book “Defeat Neuropathy Now …. In Spite of Your Doctor. The doctors have over 25 years of clinical experience.

If you would like to reach the doctors regarding a specific health problem, you may email them at [email protected].

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