MISO SOUP – A Powerful Bowl of Healing


Miso has been a staple in Chinese and Japanese diets dating back approximately 2,500 years. Traced from ancient China, where it was known as hisio, a seasoning prized by aristocrats, miso was perfected in Japan from the 7th century to current day.

Today, most of the Japanese population begins their day with a warm bowl of miso soup to stimulate digestion and energize the body.  When purchasing miso, avoid the pasteurized version and spend your money on the live enzyme-rich product, which is also loaded with beneficial microorganisms.

As long as you choose unpasteruized miso, you will be getting the benefits of live friendly microflora for the health of your inner ecosystem.

While it was once thought that soy was the reason for the low rates of heart disease, breast and prostate cancer in Asia, more evidence is now showing us that it is the consumption of traditional fermented soy products (usually eaten every day) that are providing the real benefits.


There are many types of miso, some made with just soy beans and soy koji (called Hatcho miso, a favorite in Japan) and others made with barley and rice.   The key to its amazing health benefits is that it must be allowed to ferment from 3 months to 3 years which produces an enzyme-rich food.


Miso is effective in detoxifying and eliminating elements that are taken into the body through industrial pollution, radioactivity and artificial chemicals in the soil and food system.



Many human and animal studies have been done on miso and have revealed the following benefits:

1.  Give a boost to the immune system

Much like any fermented food, miso improves the population of good microflora in the digestive tract. Not only does miso act as a natural antacid, reducing the chance of digestive upset, but good microbes help to support a healthy and effective immune system. A healthy gut is essential for protecting you against disease because of its pivotal role in the body’s immune system.

2.  Protect against harmful effects of radiation

Exposure to radiation is inevitable. Increased use of consumer electronics, medical testing procedures, and home radon are just a few of the many culprits behind your likely exposure to radiation on a daily basis. But studies have shown miso to be effective at preventing radiation sickness in those exposed to potentially dangerous levels.

A Japanese study conducted over the course of 25 years found miso to be effective as a means to prevent cancer from radiation exposure, and even useful in healing radiation burns when applied directly to the skin as a paste.

3.  Prevent breast cancer

The soy isoflavones that exist in miso have been shown to be effective in preventing breast cancer, according to The Japan Public Health Center-Based Prospective Study on Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases. Fermentation is believed to be the key, as the study included subjects consuming regular soy products as well as fermented ones, such as miso.

The latter group was found to have a reduced risk of breast cancer, even when other contributing factors were taken into consideration.

4.  Guard against colon cancer, intestinal disease

Miso may also give relief to patients suffering from Crohn’s disease or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Studies have also shown some promise that miso may be helpful in preventing colon cancer. Results published in the June 2013 issue of the Journal of Toxicologic Pathology showed laboratory animals fed three-month fermented miso did not exhibit precancerous changes or colon cancer after they were exposed to a carcinogen.

5.  Remove the ills of smoking

Miso has even been used by smokers in Japanese culture as a means for quickly removing nicotine from the human system. So powerful, miso broth is routinely used in Japan to clean tar from smoker’s pipes.


Other Benefits of Miso:

  1. Contains all essential amino acids, making it acomplete protein.
  2. Aids digestion by stimulating the secretion of digestive fluids in the stomach.
  3. Restores beneficialprobioticsto the intestines.
  4. Aids in the digestionand assimilation of other foods in the intestines.
  5. Is a good vegetable-quality source ofB vitamins(especially B12).
  6. Strengthens the quality ofbloodand lymph fluid.
  7. Reduces risk for breast, prostate, lung and coloncancers.
  8. Protects against radiation(dipilocolonic acid, an alkaloid contained in miso, chelates heavy metals and discharges them from the body.
  9. Strengthens theimmune systemand is antiviral
  10. Is high inantioxidantsthat protect against free radicals (and cancer).
  11. ReducesLDL cholesterol.
  12. Preserves beautiful skin – miso contains linoleic acid which keeps skin supple and young looking
  13. Reduces menopause symptoms (especially hot flashes)


How to add miso to your daily diet

Use miso in small amounts, but on a regular basis, for best results. Consider a few teaspoons a day to be average use, though the most beneficial amount will vary from person to person, depending on body type, size, activity level and age.


Begin your miso regimen by adding a small amount—one to two teaspoons—per cup of soup. Add more as needed for desired taste so that the miso flavoring mingles, but does not overpower, the taste of the soup. Less is needed for aged miso.


Miso has a wonderful sweet/salty flavor that can be used in a wide variety of recipes. The color of miso can vary from light yellow—good to use in a sweet miso soup during warm weather—to a deep dark brown with earthy tones and hearty flavor, which can be cooked with root vegetables, wakame sea vegetable and dark leafy greens during the colder months. When cooking with miso use just enough to enhance flavor and avoid overpowering the dish with a strong salty taste.


Bok Choy Miso Soup


2 tablespoons coconut oil
4 leaves of Bok Choy, rinsed, sliced in 1 inch ribbons including stems
4 cups vegetable broth, organic
1 organic carrot, thinly sliced
1/2 cup bamboo shoots
2 green onions sliced
1/4 cup sliced shitake mushrooms
1 teaspoon tamari sauce, organic
1 garlic clove crushed
2 tablespoons miso paste
Black pepper to taste

Sea salt to taste



  1. In a heavy soup pot place oil, turn to medium heat, put in carrots and garlic, saute until almost tender.
    2. Add broth, tamari, and mushrooms, bring to a boil, once boiling reduce heat to low so that soup is simmering, simmer until mushrooms are almost done.
    3. Add green onion, Bok Choy, black pepper and bamboo shoots, cook for a few minutes, add miso. Stir until miso is well blended. Add additional sliced shallot for garnish if desired.

Serves 2

Sourced through Scoop.it from: nervedoctors.com


When battling peripheral neuropathy or any chronic illness, like, crohn’s, colitis, diverticulitis, IBS, cancer, autoimmune diseases and many more, the first step to healing must always begin with diet. 


Today, everyone’s largest health problem is battling chronic inflammation.  It effects the very young to the elderly.  The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) both list chronic inflammation as the largest culprit in causing chronic diseases, including cancer.


The key to reducing chronic inflammation is adding delicious, superfood recipes to your diet.  Recipes like Miso soup will decrease overall inflammation and lend itself to healing many chronic illnesses. 


So, what have you got to lose?  Go ahead and try a delicious bowl of miso soup.  Enjoy….while you heal!


To learn more about other delicious healing recipes, visit us at:  https://nervedoctors.com/recipe/

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