Peripheral Neuropathy Myths

There are several myths surrounding peripheral neuropathy. Although doctors commonly label many patients with idiopathic (of unknown origin) peripheral neuropathy, there is a tremendous amount of research about the causes and ability of the nerve to regenerate.

Many doctors are unaware of the current scientific literature. As a result, they continue to believe myths and misinformation. Here is the most up-to-date information, dispelling the myths about peripheral neuropathy.

Myth #1: Medication will cure my neuropathy

False. The most common recommendation for neuropathy is the “take the pills and see” method. The most common drugs doctors prescribe are

  • Neurotin® (Gabapentin)
  • Lyrica® (Pregabalin)
  • Cymbalta® (Duloxetine Hydrochloride)
  • NORCO® (Hydrocodone Bitartrate and Acetaminophen
  • Ultram/Cozip®  (Tramodol)

All these medications have serious side effects. While they may be necessary for temporary relief of severe symptoms, these medications do nothing to reverse nerve damage. Some of these medications, like Gabapentin, accelerate nerve damage. 

Myth #2: Neuropathy only affects people with diabetes

False. Diabetic patients account for less than 33% of all neuropathy cases. According to a 2009 study, there are far more neuropathy cases that are not diabetic-related. 

A study published by the Neuropathy Association revealed the following findings, “Neuropathy is often misrepresented as only being diabetes-related. However, this survey demonstrates that for every diabetic neuropathy patient, there are at least six more patients suffering with other various forms of neuropathies.”

While diabetics commonly suffer from neuropathy, there are many other causes, including

  • Chemotherapy
  • B-vitamin deficiency
  • Nerve damage or entrapment
  • Side effects from medications

If you suffer from neuropathy pain but are not diabetic, your neuropathy may be due to one or more causes listed above. 

Myth #3: My doctor told me, “Nerves don’t regenerate. Once damaged, that’s it!”

False. This neuropathy myth stems from doctors struggling to keep up with current research. Extensive studies reveal that you can repair peripheral nerves. The research covers a wide array of therapies, including neurotropic nutrients, low-level laser therapy, exercise, and nutrition.

We cover the details of our findings in our book, “Defeat Neuropathy Now…In Spite of Your Doctor.” 

Myth #4: I only have numbness and tingling, so it’s no big deal

False. Many neuropathy patients start with mild numbness or tingling. They think that their symptoms are no big deal. They believe their symptoms will eventually fade; however, they will only get worse.

A study in the British Medical Journal proved this myth false. 75% of sufferers who do nothing about the numbness and tingling either suffer from pain or disability twelve months later. 

If your neuropathy symptoms have not subsided, they likely will not disappear on their own. Studies show that the symptoms can intensify, causing loss of sensation, unremitting pain, and even disability if ignored. 

Myth #5: Neuropathy is a natural result of aging

False. This is a very common peripheral neuropathy myth; however, you can grow old gracefully without experiencing these levels of nerve damage. 

Neuropathy, once known only in seniors, now affects people as young as thirty years old. The disorder has many causes, including injuries, chronic illnesses, and complications caused by medicine. 

By taking the proper steps early on, you can avoid suffering from neuropathic symptoms as you age.

Myth #6: I have to accept my neuropathy and learn to live with it

False. Neuropathy does not have to be a life sentence. Combining proper stimulation of the nerves, detox, glucose control, and appropriate nutrients plays a pivotal role in nerve repair and regeneration. Whatever you do, do not go untreated!

Myth #7: All neuropathy feels the same 

False. Neuropathy symptoms vary depending on the cause and stage. Many different factors can cause neuropathy. 

Early-stage neuropathy typically looks like mild numbness and tingling, while late-stage neuropathy may surface as creepy-crawly sensations, sharp pains, loss of balance, and even significant muscle weakness. 

A damaged nerve cannot communicate as well to the brain, and the brain misinterprets the signals as various types of symptoms. 

Myth #8: My neuropathy is well-controlled by medications, so I’m doing just fine

False. Medications merely mask the symptoms while the underlying condition worsens. Medicating symptoms is like taking the battery out of the smoke alarm to stop the noise.

The pain might lessen, but the medication might hide a gradual loss of nerve function, and you could lose your ability to maintain good balance. Then, one day, without warning, you start falling, risking breaking an arm or hip. 

If your neuropathy is not improving, it is getting worse. 

Myth #9: Neuropathy only affects the hands and feet

False. Although neuropathy often begins in the hands and feet, it slowly creeps up the calves and forearms. The symptoms may surface as severe cramps, heaviness, weakness in the legs, a creepy-crawly sensation, and dry skin discoloration.

In some cases, neuropathy causes dangerous complications in organ function.

Myth #10: The best thing to do for my neuropathy is to wait and see what happens

False. Waiting is the worst thing you can do. All healthcare professionals, including top neurologists, oncologists, and surgeons, agree that peripheral neuropathy rarely, if ever, improves on its own. 

More often than not, the condition worsens and can become debilitating. Detecting and treating neuropathy early on increases your chances of a better prognosis. 

Now, you can resolve more advanced neuropathy; however, patients with more advanced neuropathy need more care, and results tend to be slower.