20 Best Foods for Detoxing Your Body

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When it comes to cleansing your body of harmful toxins, food really is the best medicine. You’ll be amazed to learn that many of your favorite foods also cleanse the body’s detoxification organs like the liver, intestines, kidneys and skin, preventing harmful toxic buildup. Help ward off the harmful effects of pollution, food additives, second-hand smoke and other toxins with delicious fruits, vegetables, nuts, oils and beans.

  1. Apples

Apples are high in pectin, a type of fiber that binds to cholesterol and heavy metals in the body, they help eliminate toxic build up and to cleanse the intestines.

  1. Avocados

These nutritional powerhouses lower cholesterol and dilate blood vessels while blocking artery-destroying toxicity. Avocados contain a nutrient called glutathione, which blocks at least thirty different carcinogens while helping the liver detoxify synthetic chemicals.

  1. Beets

Beets are high in vitamin C, potassium, manganese and folate, which aid in immune function, healthy nerve and muscle function, healthy bones, liver, kidneys and pancreas.  They, also contain a unique mixture of natural plant compounds that make them superb blood purifiers and liver cleansers.

  1. Blueberries

Truly one of the most powerful healing foods, blueberries contain natural aspirin that helps lessen the tissue-damaging effects of chronic inflammation, while lessening pain. Blueberries also act as antibiotics by blocking bacteria in the urinary tract, thereby helping to prevent infections. They also have antiviral properties and help to block toxins from crossing the blood-brain barrier to gain access to the delicate brain.

  1. Broccoli Sprouts

Extremely high in antioxidants, the ability for broccoli sprouts to stimulate the detoxification enzymes in the digestive tract is unparalleled. The sprouts are actually more effective than the fully-grown vegetable.

  1. Cabbage

Cabbage contains numerous anticancer and antioxidant compounds and helps the liver break down excess hormones. Cabbage also cleanses the digestive tract and neutralizes some of the damaging compounds found in cigarette smoke (and second-hand smoke). It also strengthens the liver’s ability to detoxify.

  1. Celery and Celery Seeds

Celery and celery seeds are excellent blood cleansers and contain many different anti-cancer compounds that help detoxify cancer cells from the body. Celery seeds contain over twenty anti-inflammatory substances. It is particularly good for detoxifying substances found in cigarette smoke.

  1. Cranberries

Cleanse your body from harmful bacteria and viruses that may be lingering in your urinary tract with cranberries since they contain antibiotic and antiviral substances.

  1. Flaxseeds and Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseeds are high in antioxidants (Lignans) which are also known for their anti-viral and antibacterial properties.  Flaxseeds also contain polyphenaols, which support the growth of probiotics in the gut and help eliminate yeast and candida.

  1. Garlic

This pungent little bulb is one of the best detoxing foods out there. It helps stimulate the liver into producing detoxification enzymes that help filter toxic residues from the digestive system. Eat garlic to cleanse harmful bacteria, intestinal parasites and viruses from your body, especially from the blood and intestines. It also helps cleanse build-up from the arteries and has anti-cancer and antioxidant properties that help detoxify the body of harmful substances. Additionally, garlic assists with cleansing the respiratory tract by expelling mucous build-up in the lungs and sinuses. For the health benefits, choose only fresh garlic, not garlic powder, which has virtually none of the above properties.


Add a ruby red grapefruit to your breakfast to benefit from pectin fiber that binds to cholesterol, thereby cleansing the blood. Pectin also binds to heavy metals and helps escort them out of the body. It also has antiviral compounds that cleanse harmful viruses out of the body. Grapefruit is an excellent intestinal and liver detoxifier.

  1. Green Foods

 Fill your refrigerator with blue green algae, barley, wheatgrass, kale, spinach, spirulina, alfalfa, chard, arugula, or other organic leafy greens. These plants will help give a chlorophyll-boost to your digestive tract.  Chlorophyll rids the body of harmful environmental toxins from toxic metals, herbicides, cleaning products and pesticides. They also aid the liver in detoxification.

  1. Green Tea, organic

Packed full of antioxidants, green teawashes toxins from the system via its liquid content, but also contains a special type of antioxidant called catechins, which are known to increase liver function.

  1. Kale

Eat some kale to benefit from its powerful anti-cancer and antioxidant compounds that help cleanse the body of harmful substances. It is also high in fiber, which helps cleanse the intestinal tract. Like cabbage, kale helps neutralize compounds found in cigarette smoke and strengthens liver cleansing.

  1. Legumes

Add a handful of cooked beans to your next meal since they loaded with fiber that helps lower cholesterol, cleanses the intestines and regulates blood sugar levels. Legumes also help protect the body against cancer.

  1. Lemons/Limes

Excellent liver detoxifiers, lemons contain high amounts of vitamin C, a vitamin needed by the body to make an important substance called glutathione. Glutathione helps the liver detoxify harmful chemicals. Add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice (not the bottled variety) to pure water to support your cleansing efforts on a daily basis.

  1. Mung Beans

The mighty mung bean has been used by Ayurvedic doctors for thousands of years.  It is a huge source of vitamins and minerals.  1 cup supplies you with 15g of fiber and 14g of protein.  They are incredibly easy to digest, and absorbs toxic residue from the intestinal walls.

  1. Raw Vegetables

Best juiced or eaten raw: Onions, carrots, artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, kale, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, garlic, beet, turmeric, and oregano. The combination of these foods will help your liver purge toxins during the cleansing process. These are high in naturally occurring sulphur and glutathione. Sulphur helps the liver detoxify harmful chemicals.  Glutathione is the master detoxifier and the body’s main antioxidant.  It’s role is critical in removing toxins from the body, increasing immune function and controlling inflammation,

  1. Seaweed

Seaweed could be the most underrated vegetable in the western world. Studies at McGill University in Montreal showed that seaweeds bind to radioactive waste in the body. Seaweed also binds to heavy metals to help eliminate them from the body. In addition, they are powerhouses of minerals and trace minerals.

  1. Watercress

If you haven’t tried watercress add this delicious green to your next sandwich since it increases detoxification enzymes and acts on cancer cells in the body. In a study at the Norwich Food Research Center in the UK, smokers who were given 170 grams of watercress per day eliminated higher than average amounts of carcinogens in their urine, thereby eliminating them from their body.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.ecowatch.com

Let Food Be Thy Medicine and Let Medicine Be Thy Food. ~ Hippocrates

When looking to rid your body of accumulated unwanted chemicals, fasting is not always the answer.  The best detox is one that is loaded with whole foods, like fresh fruits, vegetables, limited gluten free grains (preferably organic, but when it’s not affordable, at least purchase the ‘Dirty Dozen’ organic).

The healing properties of food have been reported by many cultures worldwide throughout history.  In our modern era, we are able to go so far as to specifically know, based on the clinical research, what health benefits individual foods can offer.

If you are on a limited budget or not quite ready to commit to an intensive detox program, just start by cleaning up your diet.  Begin to eliminate the processed food (white flour, white sugar, gluten, junk food) and add more whole foods.  You will notice an immediate difference in how you feel in as little as 1 week.  You will have more energy, better memory and clarity and even better sleep.

Don’t worry if you are a ‘sugar addict’ or a ‘carb junkie’, you can begin with baby steps.  Commit to cleaning up 1 meal per day and then graduate from there.  Eating a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables assists with detoxifying harmful substances from your body. Who knew cleansing could taste so good?

To learn more – visit: https://nervedoctor.info/recipe/

or call:  San Antonio Neuropathy Center 210-492-0111

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