JAVACO – The World’s Best Coffee, Brain Booster, and Energizer

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83% of adults drink coffee in the U.S., according to the National Coffee Associations online survey-2013.  Coffee has been touted as both ‘Hero’ and ‘Villain’ in the topic of health.  Although research has shown that coffee has some health benefits associated with drinking it in moderation, the reality is most coffee drinkers consume more than 2 cups (16 oz) per day.  This is far from moderation- not to mention- where the detrimental effects begin to kick in.

COFFEE…Hero or Villain?

One of the most controversial topics is whether or not coffee is good for you.  This topic  will make your head spin, so I’m going to give you cold, hard facts….coffee carries both benefits and detriment.  Let’s look at both.

Coffee benefits:

  • Increases energy and mental clarity
  • Helps you burn fat
  • Lowers risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes (initially)
  • Lowers risk of developing Parkinson’s & Alzheimer’s
  • Protects liver against cirrhosis

Now, before you start jumping for joy…remember life is comprised of Yin & Yang, Pros & Cons, so here is the flip side of the coin.

Coffee detriments:

  • Caffeine is addictive
  • Caffeine in coffee increases your stress hormone, cortisol, resulting in increased inflammation and eventually adrenal fatigue
  • Habitual coffee drinking (4 cups or more, daily) increases insulin resistance (eventually resulting in type 2 diabetes)
  • Coffee is highly acidic
  • Can cause digestive dysfunction (indigestion, heart burn, GERD)
  • Can reduce probiotics in gut
  • Causes excessive excretion of important minerals like, calcium, magnesium and potassium. (leading to mineral deficiency)
  • Can interfere with the detoxification process in the liver
  • Coffee beans sprayed with significantly large amounts of pesticides

Dr. Walter C. Willet of Harvard School of Public Health says, “Coffee is an amazingly potent collection of biologically active compounds.”  Like any food-like substance, coffee has far reaching effects on the body and needs to be respected as a potent drug.

So here’s the reality, if you drink organic coffee in moderation (not more than two 8 oz cups per day), then you stand a better chance of experiencing health benefits.

JAVACO…for Coffee Lovers

JavaCo is a coffee recipe that I have adapted from various recipes ranging from the Sherpas in Nepal to Kashmirs in northern India.  The coffee is blended with ghee and coconut oil.  These cultures have been drinking both coffee and teas mixed with grass fed butter for generations in order to achieve increased energy, mental alertness and cognitive capacity.

In my recipe for JavaCo, I use organic coffee blended with organic grass-fed Ghee and virgin coconut oil.  This provides a rich and creamy decadent delight.  I have already outlined the pros and cons of coffee drinking, so now I will outline the health benefits associated with coconut oil and ghee.

GHEE (benefits)a class of clarified butter that originated in ancient India.  It has a rich buttery flavor without any of the milk sensitivities or allergies.

  • Ghee can be used by people with milk or casein sensitivities
  • Ghee can be used by people who are lactose intolerant
  • Ghee has a rich buttery flavor
  • Ghee has a high smoke point (482 F- degrees) – you can cook or fry with it and it will not break down into free radicals, like most oils)
  • Ghee does not require refrigeration
  • Ghee is rich in vitamins A and E
  • Ghee is rich in vitamin K2 (aids delivery of vitamin D) and CLA (conjugated linoleic acid which increases metabolism)
  • Ghee is high in MCTs (medium chain triglycerides) – provides excellent fuel source, especially for athletes.
  • Ghee is high in butyric acid shown to improve digestion, GI health and probiotics, and strengthens the immune system
  • Ghee has anti-inflammatory properties

COCONUT OIL (benefits) – must be virgin

  • Coconut oil has a high smoke point (350 F- degrees) – oil doesn’t break down into free radicals when cooking with it.
  • Coconut oil is easier to digest
  • Coconut oil is high in MCTs (medium chain triglycerides) – provides excellent fuel source
  • Coconut oil prevents Alzheimer’s disease and aids in slowing down the progression
  • Coconut oil improves memory and brain function
  • Coconut oil prevents heart disease and high blood pressure – raises HDL levels (good, cardiovascular protective cholesterol)
  • Coconut oil reduces inflammation and arthritis
  • Coconut oil kills Helicobacter pylori (H. Pylori) – a bacteria of the stomach associated with ulcers and stomach cancer
  • Coconut oil contains lauric acid, capric acid, and caprylic acid known to reduce candida, fight fungus, bacteria and viruses in the body.
  • Coconut oil aids in weight loss and fat reduction

Do You Suffer From Acid Reflux, IBS, Crohn’s or other GI Disorders?

If you suffer from IBS, GERD, acid reflux, stomach ulcers, diarrhea, Crohn’s disease, colitis, high blood pressure, difficulty sleeping, or anxiety – it’s time to eliminate your coffee intake but don’t worry…I will provide you with an equally delicious alternative.

Use Dandy Blend or Teecino as your coffee substitute.  Both of these are herbal coffee substitutes that I recommend.  They are the closest tasting to coffee that you will find.  You can use either of these blends in your JavaCo recipe, which I call JavaCo lite.  You will be very satisfied without additional stress to your adrenal glands or your GI tract.

Don’t drink coffee…should you start?

There are better ways to experience the noted health benefits than drinking coffee.  Remember that the caffeine in coffee is addictive and coffee does stress the adrenal glands and raise cortisol levels.  If you are a person that has significant daily stress in your life, you already have elevated cortisol levels and do not need to introduce anything else that will add to that.

JavaCo Recipe


  • 10 oz. of Brewed Organic coffee
  • 1 Tablespoon of Organic Ghee, grass- fed
  • 1 Tablespoon of Virgin Coconut Oil


  • Brew the coffee in your normal fashion, then pour 10 oz into a Vitamix or equivalent high speed blender
  • Melt ghee and coconut oil and add to coffee in the Vitamix/blender
  • Blend on highest setting/speed for 2 minutes
  • Pour and enjoy

JavaCo Lite Recipe

As an alternative to coffee, follow the above recipe but substitute coffee with brewed Dandy Blend or Teecino herbal coffee substitute.




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